Students Union
Students’ Council: The College has a Students’ Council. The students’ council is a statutory body constituted in the college. Selection:
Students who are a volunteer in shouldering responsibilities are identified and nominated for the selection of the college union. Based on the performance of the students, in the presence of the Principal, the Director, Administrative Officer, the Dean of Academic Affairs, Controller of Examination, Student Service Officer and heads of the department are analyzed with respective attributes of leadership quality, service mind with good communication skill are selected.
The College Union is the main organization of the student body. The Principal is the Ex-officio President of the union. A faculty from each department is appointed by the Principal as Student Service Officer. Student’s presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretary for both Regular and Self Finance streams are selected. Apart from the class representatives, an office-bearer is selected by the Students Service Officer. The tenure for office bearers is one academic year. The Students’ Council includes a President, a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Office Bearers, Bus co-ordinators and Heads of various committees.
The College Union arranges meetings, cultural programmes, competitions and debates. It enhances the students’ personalities by promoting their leadership qualities among them. The Principal and faculty members guide the students’ council for the smooth functioning of various events and activities. Meetings of the Student representatives are conducted periodically to receive feedback based on teaching-learning, hostel etc.
The College Union includes activities such as conducting General Assembly, announcing information regarding the dates of competitions and meetings. They also include Student Welfare Schemes and celebrate functions such as Freshers’ Welcome, Independence Day, Teachers Day, Republic Day, Sports Day, Graduation Day, International Women’s Day, Annual Day, Farewell, Union Valediction and Candle Lighting Ceremony. The Guest lecturers arranged by the affiliated Associations and Committees / Clubs are funded by the UGC Autonomous Grants.
Role of the Office Bearers
The office bearers (strength 64) mediate the requests, ideas and complaints from students to the Students’ Council. It is their prime duty to maintain punctuality and discipline in the college.
Fine Arts Secretary:
Cultural events, competitions and various other events are monitored by Fine arts secretaries, who are assisted by SSO faculties.
The following activities are conducted with the help of the Students’ Council and office-bearers.
Student representatives in academic and administrative bodies